Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

To drive inclusive growth and project development to promote regional economic diversification and encourage the development of entrepreneurship that contributes to increasing employability, at GeoPark we promote projects focused on strengthening local businesses and developing productive activities to increase sustainable production.
We supported our neighbors in Casanare with the development of initiatives to promote livestock projects by establishing 107 hectares of improved pastures for raising livestock. We also fostered cattle trade with the construction of 11 corrals and 50 kilometers of fencing, and promoted cattle ranching.
Through the Cana Panalera project we supported the creation of a sugar cane producers’ association, the implementation of good production practices and the greater use of machinery.
In Casanare (Colombia) we supported initiatives to transform crop waste, a production initiative focused on cattle and swine feed to promote associativity between neighboring producers and generate circular production.
In partnership with Comfacasanare, we contributed to the Casanare workforce being able to access our job vacancies, thus complying with the contract relationship process as defined by Colombian regulation. Under this agreement, 1,005 resumes were registered and another 2,385 were updated. We also held other activities such as the 1st Virtual Employment and Employability Fair “Working in unity for the recovery of Casanare – Virtuality as an opportunity.”
With training programs and the provision of equipment to the Villanueva municipality Metalworkers Association in Casanare (Colombia), some 100 local employees were certified to work at heights and in confined spaces.
In 2020 we supported some of our contractors in securing Icontec certification on Good Labor Practices (GLP). As a result of this process, six of our contractors in Colombia were certified, giving them a competitive advantage in hiring processes, helping them improve performance and contributing to the correct hiring and treatment of the local workforce.
With our Labor Management Program, we provided support and advice to more than 100 local contractor companies from the municipalities neighboring our operations in Colombia. We ensured that all contractors comply with their legal and labor obligations to guarantee their employees the right to dignified and quality work.
We supported 10 contractors in certification of best practices and strict compliance with biosecurity protocols to prevent and respond to Covid-19 under the Bureau Veritas Safeguard Label in Colombia.
We benefited
families and created 424 temporary jobs by supporting livestock projects in Casanare (Colombia).
We benefited
families in Puerto Asis, Putumayo (Colombia) through a sugar cane project.
We benefited
neighbors from Casanare (Colombia) through harvest waste transformation initiatives.