
At GeoPark we work to create a motivating, inclusive, diverse, fair and rewarding work environment, with opportunities, mutual respect and passion, and consisting of exceptional people. All our people can participate in the success of the Company, contribute and grow.



of employees own shares in the company


the voluntary rotation rate in 2020


of our work team received teaching and training


of our employees took on new roles and responsibilities


of our management team are women


employees entitled to parental leave took it and returned to their positions: 45% men and 55% women


direct employees who are part of our work team


of our work team are women

Our commitment to employees

(103-1) At GeoPark we believe that people are the key to our long-term growth, and we have succeeded in attracting and training one of the best operational and professional oil and gas industry teams in the region,
with a variety and depth of experience and knowledge that is greater than that of most companies of our size.

(103-2) (103-3) We seek to create a fair work environment, without discrimination and with conditions and opportunities to promote the growth of all our employees. We offer fair and equitable pay, with the best benefits for our people and their families and a stock plan that makes all employees participants in the Company’s success.

Developing training and education programs, promoting the performance management process, respecting the rights of free association and collective negotiation, and commitment to diversity, gender equality and inclusion are the fundamental pillars that constantly contribute to achieving a motivating, challenging and rewarding work environment for all employees.

2020 was a challenging year for keeping our people together and motivated. We implemented actions to stay close and be connected, while protecting the physical and mental health of our employees and promoting their well-being and their families’, providing support to overcome the possible difficulties of living through a pandemic.

Employees participated in different integration opportunities, including 45 breakfasts with the Management Team (365 attendees); the year-end GeoCarnaval event (over 400 participants); 30 virtual events focused on sharing experiences, integrating as a group and learning about some employees’ life stories, for the GeoPark Anniversary; and the GeoFit Week.

Performance highlight

2020: a year in which our culture and our people were key in continuing growth

See how we kept our employees aligned, motivated, trained, connected, safe, and healthy in the pandemic.
