(103-1) At GeoPark we focus all our efforts on preventing, managing and responsibly reducing environmental impacts. We have important voluntary programs whose main purpose is to incorporate best practices at the early stages of our operational projects.
The adequate identification, evaluation and early management of the socioenvironmental impacts of our operations enables us to be accepted by local residents and authorities and secure a social license, as well as the legal environmental permits and the high standards we need for the socioenvironmental feasibility of our hydrocarbons exploration and production activities.
In line with our mission, our SPEED Integrated Value System and the new Business Model, we continue to strengthen our Environmental Management and Feasibility team and the internal coordination processes that impact our neighbors and nature.
Only if we have the best socioenvironmental practices in the sector will we be able to satisfactorily and responsibly address the global challenge of climate change and other challenges in closing sustainable development gaps.
Our Commitment to Nature, People and Neighbors outlines our relationship with environmental protection, pollution prevention, compliance with environmental requirements and our commitment to continuous improvement of the EMS (Environmental Management System).
(103-3) We take a comprehensive and preventive approach to managing our socioenvironmental impact. We first assess the territory and diagnose its physical, biotic and social characteristics, to ensure that when designing and planning our operational projects we consider the environmental and social aspects of the areas that will be affected. We also account for the concerns of neighbors and authorities regarding the impacts that our operations may have.
Our environmental management goes beyond regulatory compliance and are directly related to our very essence as a company and our desire to establish good long-term relationships with the communities in the territories we operate in. Our ongoing research into new processes and technologies that contribute to environmental protection reflects our concern and interest in neighbors’ wellbeing and our desire to be recognized as a responsible operator.
We understand that the only way to grow, and keep and enhance the acceptance and social license these communities and other stakeholders give us is to continue to be the best operators and neighbors. This requires more than strictly complying with legislation in the countries we operate in, and also involves a voluntary effort to help accelerate the work of countries and organizations to meet the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
SASB: EM-EP-160a.1.
Our Environmental Management System encompasses programs for integrated water resource management, solid and liquid waste management, atmospheric and energy emissions, biodiversity and ecosystem services, and raising awareness (training and raising awareness of employees and suppliers). It also describes managerial-level roles and responsibilities for our environmental management.
Other company assets in countries such as Chile and Argentina do not have a certified Environmental Management System but have nonetheless implemented environmental management programs aligned with the same principles as those of the Colombian system, including integrated water, solid and liquid waste, energy and emissions management.

We have implemented permanent, cross-sector programs throughout the Company and its assets to raise awareness, train and educate our employees on the efficient use of natural resources and compliance with environmental regulations.
We know how important it is to balance the Company’s management and sound environmental practices with the need for training and raising awareness in neighboring communities so that neighbors can play a more decisive role in protecting their natural resources and become more aware of the importance and benefits of recycling, the proper use of water and other practices.
All our operations have the required environmental licenses and operations permits. These requirements are the framework on which we base our environmental management plans and, in turn, set down the necessary measures we need to take to guarantee optimal management of natural resources.
Through environmental auditing mechanisms we constantly follow up and monitor what is required in our licenses. Additionally, we report our performance transparently to the respective environmental authorities in all the countries we operate in.
It is essential that we avoid any type of impact, even minimal, on the environment. Oil spills are one of the main risks associated with hydrocarbon exploration and production activities, so we pay special attention to doing everything possible to prevent them from happening. An operational excellence approach is vital in being able to reduce as much as possible the probability of such events happening.
We have prevention plans in place that include activities to avoid spills. We also have structured procedures ranging from risk identification to the activation of contingency plans, in which we work with partners specialized in emergency response.
As a differential value in oil spill management, we involve our neighbors to supervise and guarantee processes to ensure the comprehensive management of spill responses. This citizen participation ensures a permanent flow of information and the involvement of the affected communities in decision-making about response measures and progress. In addition, the Company has action plans for institutional coordination and immediate responses to incidents to guarantee that water supply to neighbors is not interrupted.
Spills are classified as disruptive emergency events meaning that as well as impacting operations or having the potential to do so, they can endanger lives, the environment and infrastructure.
Accordingly, we have created a Business Continuity Master Plan to protect our facilities and resources (people, environment, infrastructure, equipment); our strategic, mission-critical, and support and control processes; and our business environment and its relationship with the Company. The plan aims to ensure that each of its components, depending on circumstances, can act independently or simultaneously and in a coordinated manner.
Spills in 2020 were handled quickly by activating the contingency or risk management plans and implementing recovery and cleaning processes in the affected areas. In addition, we informed environmental authorities of the response to each event.
Corporate Indicator of Hydrocarbons Spills
Country | Barrels spilled | Date | Cause | Environmental Impact | Measures* | |
![]() Colombia | 8 | 2/07/20 | Valve leak from a constant level tank containing fuel oil. | Reversible | We verified the integrity plans of the facilities. We activated contingency and prevention plans. | |
![]() Argentina | 9 | 8/10/20 | Falla en línea de |
*Considers uncontained hydrocarbons spills with a volume greater than one barrel of oil.