Responsible use of natural resources

(103-1) GeoPark focuses its responsible resource use on appropriate water management, especially in operational efficiencies, reducing our environmental impact, and avoiding water-related conflicts and ensuring the water security in our neighboring areas.

(103-2) Our responsible use of natural resources in operations is through efficient water consumption, comprehensive waste management and proper disposal of residual effluents.

We know that water is a strategic and essential resource for sustainable development in the territories we operate in, and so for us it is one of the most important elements to control. We implement different water saving and efficient water consumption initiatives, we do not directly discharge into surface water courses, and we reuse wastewater.

Our Comprehensive Water Management Program gives us up-to-date information to control consumption in our operations, ensure compliance with our permits and take the necessary actions in the different activities that need water.

Rules in Colombia mean that companies such as GeoPark must invest at least 1% of the total cost of projects in the preservation of water resources. In Argentina and Chile, GeoPark fulfils all legal obligations regarding water use.

All wastewater generated from our operations is treated and disposed of in accordance with our environmental license.

We focus our solid waste management on reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery, and in full compliance with regulations we minimize, mitigate and compensate any potential environmental impact.

(103-3) As water is one of the world’s most important natural assets, we work to protect and preserve it. GeoPark is committed to innovation and implementing best practices in efficient water consumption and reuse, and discharges management.

Interaction with water as a shared resource

(103-1) The water we use in our operations comes mainly from underground sources, surface water bodies, lateral borrow areas, authorized third parties and water that we produced from the oil separation processes in batteries and water treatment plants, which is reinjected into wells for secondary oil recovery.

The volume of water by source withdrawn for our operations is shown below.

(303-3) (303-5) SASB: EM-EP-140a.1. IPIECA: ENV-1 Water withdrawal and consumption by source in each asset

Water consumption in Argentina and Chile decreased by 16% and 3% respectively in relation to 2019.

In Colombia there was water withdrawal from a surface source in 2020, equivalent to 3% of the total water withdrawn, due to the incorporation of the Platanillo field.

At GeoPark we control water consumption in each of our operations to ensure compliance with the maximum flows allowed by our environmental permits and to take appropriate measures for the different activities that need water.

We permanently measure water withdrawal and verify that volumes are below the maximum authorized levels.


In 2020 we reduced consolidated water consumption by 8.2% from 2019 through measures taken for more efficient water consumption and because of decreased activities resulting from the pandemic.
