Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees: they all return home safely and in good health. Our people are the most valuable capital we have, and we are committed to protecting and guaranteeing their safety and their families’ peace of mind.
fatalities in the operation of our assets
safety inspections made on operating processes in the assets
barrels of oil produced and transported by land without any third-party incidents
hours worked (direct employees and contractors)
emergency simulations carried out, addressing 100% of emergency and vulnerability scenarios in our operational activities
risk analyses implemented for emergency and crisis response at all levels of the company
Lost Time Incident Rate*
Motor Vehicle Crash Rate*
H&S teaching and training sessions held
Total Recordable Incident Rate*
* IOGP criteria
Committed to health and safety amid the pandemic
(103-1) Our range of actions is based on discipline and the careful implementation of prevention and promotion tools to safeguard health and life. Every day we aim to strengthen the culture of self-care in each of our employees and teams.
(103-2) (403-1) SASB EM-EP-320a.1 IPIECA: SHS-1 The culture of self-care is based on identifying, preventing and managing danger, task observation, stopping unsafe activities, assuring operations by applying industry best practices, and analyzing incidents. These actions are aligned with the legislation of each of the countries we operate in. We apply the highest national and international standards, thanks to which we have a world-class operation.
In 2020 we took on an additional challenge to meet our goal of protecting the health and lives of employees and neighbors: the Covid-19 pandemic prompted us to define and implement a series of actions to ensure the continuity of operations in a safe way for employees, contractors and neighbors. The Company was quick to instruct its teams to develop protocols that would allow them to face each phase of the pandemic and prevent contagion in operations and in neighboring communities.
Performance highlight
Committed to health and safety amid the pandemic
See how we guaranteed safe business continuity for employees, contractors and neighbors in 2020.