Performance highlight
Our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our commitment to caring for and protecting the environment requires our utmost efforts to reduce the carbon footprint created by the development of our operations. This led us to make a corporate GHG reduction strategy in 2020, allowing us to create specific goals and initiatives and define a route map for our operated production assets.
After evaluating different proposals and potential partners, we started creating this strategy with consulting firm Kearney, which has advised international oil and gas companies on identifying and defining strategies and projects to reduce their carbon footprint.
Our main objectives in making our corporate GHG reduction strategy are the following:
Starting this project will require developing different activities involving all members of GeoPark’s Management Team and the leading technical areas of processes related to reducing GHG emissions in our directly operated production assets.
The main activities that will help create this GHG emissions reduction strategy are the following:
We are committed to continuing to develop our hydrocarbon exploration and production businesses, becoming increasingly efficient and clean, and progressively reducing our carbon footprint.
At GeoPark we firmly believe that we will only have a future in the oil and gas industry if we can be one of the most efficient operators, with the highest social and environmental standards. Our commitment to reducing the impact of our operations on climate change matters.