Health and Safety

Our commitment to Health and Safety:
to ensure everybody returns home safe and sound every day. 

Prevention and self-care culture,
the foundations of our health and safety strategy

We are committed to caring for the life and health of our employees, contractors and neighbors. Our framework of action is based on the disciplined and strict implementation of prevention instruments to promote safety, health and life. 

Our operations management is based on the development of a self-care culture, which starts with identifying sources of hazards to design and implement suitable strategies to prevent, manage and control such hazards.

Main Results

fatal incidents in our assets’ operations.
0.40 LTIR
lost time injury rate.
0.80 TRIR
total recordable injury rate.
0.23 MVCR
motor vehicle crash rate.
7.5 MM
hours worked (direct employees and contractors).
32,849 safety inspections
performed at the assets’ operating processes.
652 emergency drills performed,
covering 100 % of possible emergencies and vulnerabilities derived from our operating activities.
H&S training and education sessions held.
4,941 risk analyses
per million hours worked.
13 MM
kilometers traveled by vehicles in the operations.

Safe Operation

We promote interdependent leadership, in which we are all responsible for doing our jobs safely. As a result of this work model, which involves employees and contractors, our performance in 2021 was good after we resumed most of the operations that were suspended in 2020.

Occupational health management

Our occupational health management accompanies the life cycle of our employees and contractors through identification, prevention and care activities to improve their overall health conditions.

At all our operating sites, we have medical services available to respond to events related to general or occupational illnesses or work accidents. 

2022 Challenges

Enhance the implementation of health and safety management and good practices programs at new Company operations (exploration blocks and new assets).
Obtain certification for the Health and Safety Management System under the ISO 45001 standard.
Enhance the implementation of road safety best practices in our value chain.
Consolidate the strategy to enhance the interdependent culture by strengthening the POP observation program as a human behavior tool.