Our SPEED/ESG 2021 Sustainability Annual Report was published in November 2022 and is based on our commitment to transparency and the creation of value that characterizes our Company.

This report presents our management of economic, environmental, social and operating aspects for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021, which is the same reporting cycle as our financial statements.

The scope of the information presented in this Report covers the operations of GeoPark and its subsidiaries in Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina.

Our SPEED/ESG 2021 Report has been prepared in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, 2021), king into consideration the oil and gas sector approach. It also uses as reference certain sustainability reporting guidelines of the Global Oil and Gas Association for Advancing Environmental and Social Performance (IPIECA, 2020), and of the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board (SASB, 2018)

We present our SPEED Values System, which guides our management in five essential areas: Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. Each of these values guide our actions and commitments, which are aligned with the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) dimensions.

The SPEED/ESG 2021 Report was validated by GeoPark’s Executive Team and was externally verified by Bureau Veritas.
Certain specific figures in the Health and Safety, Employees and Environment chapters were restated, and the explanations are provided in the GRI indicators table.

Our offices and contact information


Calle 94 N.°11-30 8th Floor
+57 60 1 74323 37


Portugal N.°34 360 & Av. 6 de Diciembre
Zyra Building, 12th Floor
+ 593 2 500 2670


Punta Arenas
Lautaro Navarro 1021
+56 61 2745100


Buenos Aires
Ing. Enrique Butty 275,
8th Floor , C100AFA