Our environmental management

Our commitment to the environment is enshrined in the Environment pillar of our SPEED Integrated Value system. We decided to prioritize the management of environmental issues that have the potential to generate positive and negative impacts on our stakeholders to ensure that we are dedicating the human, financial and technical resources required for proper management and that we have a robust governance and decision-making system that guides us in strategic approaches and monitors our progress.

due diligence and management of environmental impacts

We work to ensure in advance the adequate identification and evaluation of environmental impacts that may arise in our operations. We do this within the framework of our Social Environment Integrated Management Model and due diligence of socio-environmental impacts.

Integrated water management

For us, Integrated Water Management is the set of activities that we carry out to make sustainable use of water resources and contribute to its protection in our operations and in the environment. We know that water is a shared resource and that its scarcity or low quality has the potential to impact our stakeholders. On the other hand, its efficient and responsible management can leverage development and well-being in the territories we operate in.

Biodiversity protection

Our priority is to preserve ecosystems and contribute to restoring those that have been transformed or degraded. We recognize the close link between biodiversity and people, so from the planning stage and in the development of our projects we work to safeguard nature, conserve and protect areas of high biodiversity value, maintain ecosystem services and functions, and make reasonable and sustainable use of biodiversity.

circular economy

We constantly identify the environmental aspects and impacts associated to our operations to verify the effectiveness of our controls, developing strategies and implementing best practices focused on preventing, controlling and mitigating impacts. Linear value chains, in which inputs go through a single production-to- disposal cycle, put global resources at risk and increase companies operating costs.

Within the framework of our SPEED Integrated Value System, we recognize the importance of incorporating the Circular Economy as one of our environmental principles and material topics to guarantee sustainable growth over time and achieve our objectives in terms of reducing GHG emissions, promoting the energy transition and contributing to the regeneration of natural systems.